After rising at the ungodly hour of 2:30 a.m., bright and chipper, and drinking two cups of coffee w/flavored cream, Sassy was hungry about 7:00 a.m. Now in a normal person's life, that would have been about lunch time. But since nothing is normal in Sassy's life, it was breakfast time with a big emphasis on breakfast.
A good ole' fashion southern (kinda) breakfast. Therefore, Sassy went to the kitchen and baked a pan of baking powder biscuits from scratch. While they were in the oven, she broke out a packet of country gravy and in just two minutes had a creamy topping for the hot biscuits, fresh from the oven.
I know what you are thinking - this is not the healthiest start to Sassy's day. Especially since a diet is certainly in order, and soon.
But, it was a delicious "lunch", so to speak, and well worth the clean-up. Yes, Sassy always cleans up her mess.
What culinary urge have you accrued lately? Did you give in, as Sassy usually does, or did you do the healthy kind of breakfast?
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